QUADRO Building Day has already become something of a tradition at Andrea’s house. Twice a year, her family reconfigures their play structure and makes a day of it, from morning to into the night. Andrea always has new ideas and, since the family now has so many QUADRO construction kits and individual parts, she can hardly be stopped. She usually prebuilds her designs with miniQUADRO.
Things got really innovative when the family of four decided to take QUADRO into into the water. It started at the baby swimming pool Andrea visited with the kids: there was a beautiful QUADRO island in the water where the little ones could sit. Without further ado, the Heitmanns put their QUADRO in the pool so that the kids had something to dive under. But Andrea’s inventiveness didn’t stop there: She wanted a proper water slide - and designed the base all by herself.

The neighbors were amazed. “You’ve got a real amusement park over here”, they kept telling her.
What could be more natural than inaugurating this amusement park with scads of kids? For his birthday in July, Andrea’s son invited his friends, and altogether they extensively tested the super slide. The attraction was really well received, even by the parents picking up the kids in the evening.
“At first, I was overwhelmed about where all the guests would sit. After all, we invited ten little kids,” Andrea said. But she wasn’t stumped for long. She used QUADRO to build a colorful birthday table with room enough for all the kids.

“A QUADRO table like this is also practical, because after the party you can just hose it down with a pressure cleaner,” said Andrea. “We are complete QUADRO fans. We’re absolutely crazy about the Classic series.”
Now the kids are waiting excitedly for the next shipment of QUADRO, because we decided to send the family a QUADRO surprise kit. Andrea asked us to be sure and send two QUADROpro keys. “The kids always fight over the key on days when we build QUADRO,” she laughs. Of course we’ll send two keys. After all, a true QUADRO master builder needs a QUADROpro key of his own.

If you’re interested in organizing a jungle gym raising event of your own, check out our post here.
Find out here how you can use QUADRO in the water too.
Do you have any photos or stories you’d like to share with us? Or maybe new ideas of your own? Please write us an email ([email protected]). We look forward to hearing from you and maybe even telling your story! Of course we’re happy to provide you with discounts or free products for especially fine photos and stories.